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No contracts. No setup fees. No hidden catches.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Change My Email?

Yes! All account information changes, such as name, email, and password can be made inside your account portal. Please note that your email and username are synonymous.ย 

How Are Payments Processed?

We use Stripe for our payment processing. You are able to change your payment method from your account management portal. We will be adding Paypal support soon.

Can I Cancel At Any Point? How?

Yes! You will have access to a fully-featured account page that will display your membership, billing, and allow you to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your account. Please understand that members electing to join the annual plan are committing to a full year of service.

How Do I Get Trade Signals?ย 

You will be given access to our Discord chatroom upon completion of account creation, which will let you see all our daily content, such as trade signals.

How Do I Upgrade / Downgrade?

You can make any account membership changes inside the account management portal, such as changing from Access to Premium or switching from Monthly to Annual billing. Membership upgrades / downgrades are automatically prorated for duration and level.

How Do I Access Members-Only Content?

Active memberships have access to a member’s home portal, which will direct you to resources, newsletters, courses, and other members-only materials.ย